Rechten en verantwoordelijkheden patiënten

Als patiënt heb je duidelijke rechten. Die rechten zorgen ervoor dat je goede en comfortabele zorg krijgt. Het AZ Jan Portaels respecteert en werkt volgens de rechten van de patiënt zoals voorzien in de wetgeving van 2002. 

Onderstaande animatievideo legt duidelijk uit van welke rechten je als patiënt geniet. 

Uitgebreidere informatie over de rechten van de patiënt is te vinden op

Right to quality of service

You are entitled to the best possible care according to current medical knowledge and technology. You deserve to be treated with respect and the health care provider will take into account your right to make your own decisions. Religious beliefs, sexual orientation, social class and gender should not play a role.

Right to choose your healthcare provider

You are free to choose your healthcare provider. In a hospital, it is not possible to choose the nurse you want because of organizational reasons. Also, in case of an unscheduled admission, you may see some physicians you did not choose. This is because your case is an emergency and/or is subject to mandatory assistance. A physician also has the right to refuse you as a patient (unless in case of an emergency) or to interrupt treatment. In that case, your physician should refer you, to ensure continuity of care.

You also always have the right to consult another physician for a second opinion.

Right to information about your health condition

You have the right to get information about your health condition and the financial implications of your treatment. This information should be provided in plain language so that you understand what is being said.

For more information on designating a contact person or trusted person or representative, click here.

Right to information about and consent to any medical procedure

Your healthcare provider needs your verbal or written consent to start treatment. You should receive timely information to enable you, as a patient, to make an informed decision. The information you receive should be clear and complete. This also implies that you may refuse treatment. Except in case of emergency where we cannot ascertain your will in time (or because it is impossible).

Right to a carefully maintained patient record, with an opportunity to access and get a copy

Every patient has the right to get a copy (at a fee) or to review their own patient record. This record is kept by the health care provider and contains your personal medical information. This record is stored by the hospital (for 30 years).

The document for requesting a printout of your patient record can be found here.

Right to privacy and respect for intimacy

Information about your health will not be disclosed to third parties unless you have given your consent. During treatment, only the professionals needed for your treatment may be present.

Photographs and film recordings that feature you as a patient will not be published or broadcast without your express approval.

Right to complaints mediation

Regarding the right to file a complaint, AZJP's view is that everyone working at AZJP is jointly responsible for handling and dealing with complaints. The goal is to deal with complaints where they arise.

However, there is also an independent Ombuds Department at the hospital to handle complaints (as provided by law).

The Ombuds Department will always first try to re-establish communication between you and the care provider. If this fails, the Ombuds Department will proceed to mediation or inform you of all the possibilities for handling your complaint. If you have complaints about a bill, you can contact the Billing Department of AZJP. 

More detailed information on patient rights can be found at or in the brochure of the FPS Public Health.

Right to pain management

Pain is subjective. At AZJP, we will try to avoid pain or manage your pain in the most appropriate way.