Governing Body

The Governing Body has final responsibility for running the hospital.

The Governing Body acts as a supervisory body and primarily takes 
strategic decisions.

The governing body meets every month.

The members of the Governing Body are:

Piet De Greef, president

Rudy Mattheus, vice president

Jacques Mevis, vice president

Rita Cuypers

Thomas De Mey

Ingrid Fleurquin

Armand Hermans

Dirk Maes

Lode Peeters

Pierre Pots

Invited members:

Thierry Freyne, CEO

dr. Véronique Fabré, Chief Medical Officer 

dr. Rudy Van Bos, President of the Medical Board

Piet De Greef, President of the Governing Body (since 2019)

Former CEO of CM Sint-Michielsbond (Saint Michael's Association), Piet De Greef, was appointed on behalf of the VZW Sint-Jozefkliniek as its new president.

After working at the Social University College as a lecturer, Piet De Greef started working

at CM Sint-Michielsbond, in the early 1980s where he became CEO. After completing

his professional career, he remained active in the welfare sector and took on roles in

various policy bodies. Among other things, he is chairman of the board of directors of

Present Caritas vrijwilligerswerk, board member at Massembre, director of Klim vzw and he has long been active in VZW Sint-Jozefkliniek.

Jacques Mevis, vice president of the Governing Body (since 2019)

Jacques Mevis, who supports campaigns and projects at a development organization and

is chairman of Groen Vilvoorde, was elected on behalf of the Vilvoorde OCMW as

vice president of our Governing Body.

Rudy Mattheus, vice president of the Governing Body (since 2013)

Rudy Mattheus (1961) has a Ph.D. in computer sciences and has been active in the healthcare sector for more than 25 years. He was actively involved in driving physician participation as stakeholders in the hospital structure.

Rudy Mattheus is a director of several profit and non-profit structures. He is Chairman of the Niko Group - active in home comfort products and services. Among other things, he is a director at Microsoft Innovation Center Flanders, a PPP with the Flemish government and a member of the healthcare innovation platform, an advisory body to the Flemish government. He is also president of Voka Health Community.

General Assembly

Piet De Greef, president

Hans Bonte

Jo De Ro

Tine Paredis

Pierre Pots

Piet Messiaen

Monsempo Ntonga Mbami

Marcel Hermans

Armand Hermans

Ingrid Fleurquin

dr. Bart De Pauw

dr. Evy Vandemeulebroucke

dr. Veerle Delvaux

dr. Mark Vandervorst