Key Figures (2019)

140 specialists

840 employees

406 approved beds

11,500 inpatients

73,000 nursing days

82,000 outpatient contacts

22,000 same day treatments


AZ Jan Portaels is a basic hospital that currently has 406 approved beds divided into:

  • Psychiatry (30 beds)
  • Day nursing in A department (6 places)
  • Surgery (112 beds)
  • Medicine (109 beds)
  • Paediatrics (15 beds)
  • Geriatrics (74 beds)
  • Maternity ward (24 beds)
  • Rehabilitation department for locomotor disorders (30 beds)
  • Palliative care (6 beds)

AZ Jan Portaels also has the following approved medical departments, care programs and functions:

  • Surgical day clinic
  • Non-surgical day clinic
  • Function "mobiele urgentiegroep" (MUG) (pre-hospital unit)
  • Function specialized Emergency Department
  • Intensive Care Unit function (12 beds)
  • Local neonatal care (N* function)
  • Palliative Care function
  • Medical imaging with scanner (CT scanner) and MRI
  • Hospital pharmacy
  • Hospital blood bank
  • Care program cardiac pathology A and P
  • Care program oncology
  • Care program paediatrics
  • Care program geriatrics