Antenatal consultations

By organizing these antenatal consultations, we hope to provide an answer to your questions, needs and expectations. Every question counts! Below is a brief overview of the antenatal consultations. 


8 weeks Initial check-up, blood draw, ultrasound, calculating expected

delivery date 

* What to bring: pregnancy certificate
12 weeks First trimester screening:  ultrasound, nuchal fold test, combination test
14 weeks Midwife consultation: stages of the pregnancy and discussion of information evenings
16 weeks Standard check-up
20-22 weeks Standard check-up, structural ultrasound
24-26 weeks Standard check-up, gestational diabetes test 

* What to bring: Documents for maternity allowance and recognition (with the municipality)
28-30 weeks Standard check-up

* What to bring: Medical prescription for physical therapy, possibly prescription for whooping cough and flu vaccination
32 weeks Standard check-up, phlebotomy
34 weeks Midwife consultation: preparation for labour and delivery
33 weeks Standard check-up, vaginal exam and smear for GBS (streptococcus) screening, growth ultrasound, blood draw
38 weeks Standard check-up, possible CTG monitoring of mother and child
40 weeks Duration of the pregnancy: standard check-up, vaginal exam
More than 40 weeks CTG check-up every two to three days

Practical information

- Consultations are always by appointment

- Contact the Consultations Department to schedule an appointment with the gynaecologist, midwife or for a CTG check-up

- Always bring your ID card

- Please sign in at Admissions and Registration in the general entrance hall

- Please show up on time

- If you are unable to attend, please notify the Consultations Department