Medical discipline


Degrees and privileges

2011:   Master of Medicine (Ghent University)

2011:   Laboratory Animal Sciences (Ghent University)

2011-2015:  PhD Program in Medical Sciences (VUB)

2019:   Master of Specialist Medicine: Cardiology (VUB)

2019:   PhD Degree in Medical Sciences (VUB)

Present:   Postgraduate Cardiac Electrophysiology and Pacing (VUB)


2015-2016:  UZ Brussel (Internal medicine)

2016-2017:  UZ Brussels (Cardiology)

2017-2018:  ZNA Middelheim Antwerp (Cardiology)

2018-2019:  AZ Maria-Middelares Ghent (Cardiology)

2019-present:  UZ Brussels (Electrophysiology - Heart Rhythm Management Center)

Dr. Bala speaks Dutch, Albanian, French, English, Italian and Turkish.