Below you will find an overview of frequently asked questions
- Do you want a certificate prescribed by one of our physicians? You can send an email to info [at] (info[at]azjanportaels[dot]be). We will follow up on your request as soon as possible.
- To obtain a copy of your medical records, please click here for more information or contact the Central Medical Archives at T 02 257 55 70 or via email: mijndossier [at] (mijndossier[at]azjanportaels[dot]be)
- If you lost something during your stay in our hospital, your belongings have been damaged or you suspect that something was stolen, just click through to the lost and found, damage, and stolen items under Complaints and information.
- Do you have a question related to insurance? You can contact the Billing & Insurance department by calling 02 257 55 31 or via e- mail facturatie [at] (facturatie[at]azjanportaels[dot]be).
- If you have a question about debt mediation, third payment plans, etc. you can contact Ms. Van Goidsenhoven at 02 257 54 31 or via email anja.vangoidsenhoven [at] (anja[dot]vangoidsenhoven[at]azjanportaels[dot]be).
- Do you have a question regarding your invoice? Click through to the link Contact the billing department and under 'Questions about your invoice' complete the response form.
- You are interested in our pre- and post-natal courses? Click through to Information evenings of the Maternity Ward
- You are a teacher and you would like to  visit the hospital with your class? Click here or send an e-mail to onthaal [at] (onthaal[at]azjanportaels[dot]be)