Philippe Vandekerckhove is appointed as President Briant vzw.

We would hereby like to inform you that on 18 November 2020, the Board of Directors of the Briant Hospital Network appointed Mr. Philippe Vandekerckhove as President of the Briant Hospital Network. Briant is an official hospital network that encompasses vzw EmmaĆ¼s - AZ Sint-Maarten-Mechelen, Imelda-Bonheiden, AZ Jan Portaels - Vilvoorde and Heilig Hart-Ziekenhuis - Lier.

Prof. Dr. Philippe Vandekerckhove has been CEO of the Red Cross - Flanders since 2003 and has extensive experience in hospital management and administration. He previously worked as a clinical director at UZ Leuven, where he also obtained his MD/PhD degree and title of Clinical Biologist, and he was a member of the Board of Directors of several hospitals, MS center in Melsbroek and the Institute for Tropical Medicine.

Philippe is also a lecturer at the faculties of Medicine of the KU Leuven and of the University of Stellenbosch (South Africa).

Philippe will take up this position from 18 November 2020. His mission is to evolve the Briant network, one of the first hospital networks in Belgium, in line with the needs of the respective hospitals. Briant intends to continue to strive for high quality and accessible care for the patients in the 4 hospitals' care regions.


We wish Philippe Vandekerckhove every success with this challenge.