Preoperative consultations:

Mondays - Wednesdays - Fridays from 10 AM - 12 noon and from 1 PM - 3 PM

Making an appointment

Mondays through Fridays from 8 AM to 6 PM

T 02 254 64 00

If you have to undergo a procedure, you may need to undergo additional tests in preparation, such as: 

    •  phlebotomy

    •  an examination of the heart (EKG)

    •  an X-ray of the lungs

    •  ...

We have developed a pre-operative process for this purpose, to provide you with the best possible care.

For your pre-operative assistance, there are 3 pathways that are possible, namely: 

    •  going through your own GP

    •  going through the Preoperative Consultations Department at AZJP

    •  no additional tests are required

Your surgeon will tell you which pathway to follow. Additional information about the 3 pathways can be found in the document 'INFORMATION PREOPERATIVE BINDER'

Your surgeon will also provide you with an information folder which contains the "Surgery" brochure and 5 has important forms to fill out in any case: 

  •     FORM 1: “Information and informed consent for anaesthesia"
  •     FORM 2: “Preoperative questionnaire"
  •     FORM 3: “Your home medication"
  •     FORM 4: “Information and Consent Form for your procedure" or the personal informed consent of your surgeon 
  •     FORM 5: "Nursing assessment form"

If your pre-operative process is handled via your GP, we ask that he/she also completes FORM 6: “Information for GP".

You can download all the forms here. 

Please make your appointment with your GP or the Pre-operative Consultations Department as soon as possible. This way, you avoid delays in us getting the test results and your procedure might have to be postponed.

If you have any further questions, please call T 02 257 54 44 (Mondays to Fridays, 9 AM to 4 PM).

The Pre-operative Consultations Department can be found on the second floor of the Site Gendarmeriestraat.