
Tissue biopsies are always fixed immediately in 4% formol after collection.

Cervicovaginal cytology:

Receptacle with ThinPrep® PreservCyt Solution:

Receptacle filled with 20 ml of methanol fixative.

Unopened receptacles are sealed.

The expiration date is at the bottom right of the green zone, on a sticker on the jar.

Receptacle may be stored at room temperature.

Receptacles can only be obtained directly from the Pathology Lab (tel 02/257 51 40).

“HPV DETECTION in case of cytological/clinical need" with Monolayer ThinPrep® PAP TEST: Detection and typing of HPV is performed in case of cytological indication (with reimbursement) or at the express wish of the patient (who accepts that the bill will not be reimbursed by the mutual health fund).


Instructions for performing cervicovaginal cytology

A cytological sample of the cervix is performed by rotating a plastic Cervix-Brush® clockwise 5 times. The brush is then inserted in a PreservCyt Solution® Receptacle and pressed against the bottom about ten times to allow the bristles to spread sufficiently and release the cells.

- Do NOT leave the tip of the brush in the jar!

- Seal the receptacle well to prevent leakage (black marking line on lid and jar are aligned).

- Complete the yellow application form for a cervical smear (or green or pink for external practice).

- Apply an identification sticker on the application form and receptacle.

- If only 1 patient sticker is available, affix sticker to application form.

- Write patient's name on receptacle.

In case of deviations from the normal screening interval (NIHDI nomenclature: 1x/3 calendar years, RD March 2013) the informed consent must be signed by the patient during the application.


Application for HPV detection and typing is made by the pathologists depending on the cytology result. The collaboration with the Pathology Lab of the Jan Yperman hospital in Ypres includes HPV typing using Cobas, a molecular test to detect HPV DNA in certain indications.

If the patient explicitly wishes an HPV typing, this must be clearly stated on the application form, where the patient accepts that bill will not be reimbursed by the mutual health fund.

Non-gynaecological cytology:

  • Fluids (urine, etc.):
    • Best use a 60ml jar with GREEN lid. This jar contains a certain amount of transport medium (Cytolyt) or fix in alcohol 50%.
    • Maximum ratio: 1/3rd transport medium, 2/3rd moisture to be examined.