Central Liability

In accordance with Article 30 of the Law on Hospitals and Other Care Institutions, all patients are entitled to receive information from the hospital about the nature of the legal relationship between the hospital and the professionals working there. The hospital has central liability to ensure the practitioner complies with patient rights. If you would like information about the individual legal relationship in the hospital and a particular professional (physician, nurse,...) you can request this information from the Ombuds Department. Please clearly state the name of the professional. You can ask for information at all times, even after the professional's intervention has been completed. You can do so in writing or verbally.

Any health care provider not covered by the hospital's liability insurance has contractually committed to taking out insurance to cover their civil liability. Most physicians at AZ Jan Portaels have signed up to the group professional liability policy for physicians.

You can always request this information from the Ombuds Department. For healthcare providers covered by the hospital's liability insurance, the hospital itself has taken out appropriate insurance.


Category of professionals  Status  Are covered by the  liability insurance

of the hospital
Physicians  Self-employed  No
Nurses, midwives,

patient care assistants
 Employee  Yes
Physiotherapists and speech therapists   Employee or self-employed  No
Pharmacists  Employee  Yes
Podiatrists and osteopaths  Self-employed  No