Our delivery rooms are an extension of the maternity ward. Three spacious labour and delivery rooms and located here. Each room has a relaxation bath that can help you cope with contractions. Our adjustable delivery beds allow you to take different positions during labour and delivery. You can also choose to use the sitting ball or the yoga mat. The midwife will assist you, and your partner, of course, also plays an important supporting role. You are also allowed to bring your own music or mood lighting to make you feel a little more at home.

Course of admission at the delivery room

Upon admission, the midwife will assign you a delivery room where you will spend your labour and delivery. Click "practical information"  below to get more information on the cost of your stay.

Together with the midwife you will answer some questions that are important for your further follow-up. She is able to trace blood results or other lab results via the computer system. This ensures a smooth transition of data from the gynaecologist to the midwife, so she can assure optimum follow-up. The midwife will then also listen to your baby's heart tones using the monitor, which you may remember from the antenatal check-ups. This device gives us an overview of your baby's heart tones and possible contractions or Braxton Hicks contractions. All our monitors are connected to a central system. This also allows the midwives and gynaecologists to monitor your baby's heart tones in their office, another delivery room, or even at home! This allows us to observe your child in the best possible conditions.

If necessary, the midwife will also examine you to see if you are dilated. She will then contact the gynaecologist and will explain to you what will happen. During labour, she will regularly listen to your baby's heart tones and see how she can make you as comfortable as possible. The midwife can help you relieve some of the pain. Maybe massages, the sit-up ball, yoga mat, epidural anaesthesia, etc. are something for you? Discuss this with the midwife.

After childbirth

After childbirth, you will stay in the delivery room for a while. Visitors are not allowed here, so you can take a break and enjoy each other's company. If all goes well, the baby will be placed on your belly immediately after birth. This skin-to-skin contact helps your baby adjust and has numerous benefits. It promotes bonding between you and your baby. Your baby is then in an ideal position to start breastfeeding. Their temperature, heart rate and breathing will also be better regulated this way and they will cry less. In case of a C-section, your partner take on this role until you are available again. After the cuddle, the midwife will check on the baby, weigh and measure it. After that, you will move to the maternity ward where you will be followed up further.

You can always discuss your wishes regarding childbirth in advance during the consultation with the midwife or gynaecologist. The midwife will take the time to discuss when you need to come to the hospital and what you need to bring. Are you unsure or do you have questions? Our midwifery team is at your disposal 24 hours a day. So feel free to call us at the number 02/257 58 00. When you come in during the day you can go straight to the fourth floor. There you can talk to the midwife at the maternity ward. She will assist you further and direct you to the delivery room. When you come in at night, you can go through the ER. They will notify the midwives at the maternity ward, after which you can simply go to the fourth floor.