The department of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging examines the functioning of one or more organs. By administering a small amount of a radioactive substance and by using a special camera (gamma camera or CT/SPECT camera), they makes images of organs. By analyzing how this substance spreads in the organ, the physician gets important information enabling him or her to make a diagnosis and propose an appropriate treatment.

In case of a (suspected) pregnancy, no tests will be performed. Therefore, always report a (possible) pregnancy! For most exams, you are allowed to eat, drink, and take your medications normally. When scheduling the appointment, you will be notified if you need to fast. After the test, you are allowed to drive your car. There are no allergic reactions. The substances administered are neither toxic nor sleep-inducing. You are also allowed to continue your normal activities afterwards. The product will disappear naturally, usually via the urine. Drinking a lot accelerates this process. On the day of the test, you should not hold babies for long periods of time. If you are breastfeeding, please notify us. For some tests, breastfeeding should be briefly interrupted. 

Since May 2013, patients have been able to contact the Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging Department of the AZ Jan Portaels for a new form of medical imaging. The completely revamped department - which is housed in a new location in the hospital - complies with the most recent regulations and provides opportunities in the area of nuclear medicine. For example, investments were made in a revolutionary new device: the multimodal imaging SPECT - CT. A new Head of Medical Department Dr. Declerck was appointed and the technical and medical support of the service was tailored in collaboration with the St-Jan Clinic Brussels.
