The Mantoux test is a skin test. Using a very thin hypodermic needle, a small amount of test fluid is injected into the skin of your forearm. Injecting this fluid can be painful.

The injection site is marked on your skin. Make sure this marking remains visible to get the result. The nurse or physician can then look for the injection site in particular.

To avoid an allergic reaction, your skin is not disinfected and no patch is used. Another reaction of your skin may affect the result of the Mantoux test.

You may experience an allergic skin reaction after the injection. This reaction consists of a thickening, redness and itching. We will measure the circumference of this thickening and redness to determine whether the result is positive or negative.

Readout: The circumference of the thickening and redness on your forearm can be interpreted 48- 72 hours after the injection. This is done by a nurse at the outpatient consultation clinic or may be done by the GP at your home, in consultation with the physician.