As a healthcare facility located in Vilvoorde, we are increasingly seeing patients who do not speak Dutch, French or German. Often, their cultural background differs greatly from that of the healthcare providers. Language and cultural barriers can be an obstacle when providing healthcare.

The goal of cross-cultural mediation is to overcome language barriers, socio-cultural barriers and inter-ethnic tensions as much as possible. The goal is to ensure that care is accessible to all and for everyone to receive the same quality of care.

Our cross-cultural mediator primarily offers language support in Dutch, French, English and Arabic. For other languages, the intercultural mediator will find and arrange the best possible interpreting solution for you. The cross-cultural mediator will also build bridges between patients and caregivers in diverse (cultural) situations.

How does this work in practice?

Please notify the appointments department 48 hours in advance if you require language assistance/cross-cultural mediation.

Please notify the nursing staff as soon as possible when registering for a hospital stay if you would like language assistance/cross-cultural mediation.

Also, when you arrive at our emergency department, do not hesitate to indicate that you would like language assistance/cross-cultural mediation.

You can also use cross-cultural mediation for

-       getting more information about the hospital's processes 

-       translating and completing your administrative case file.

You can reach Samuel during office hours at  +32 2257 55 94 or by e-mail: samuel.gross [at]

Read more?  click here  for the article in VRTnws.