Using the Collaborative Care Platform CoZo, physicians can access their patients' results 24/7.

In addition, reporting of results is done electronically via Hector and on paper upon request.

In case you experience problems in receiving reports, please contact the Pathology lab 02/ 257 51 40 or anatomo.pathologie [at] (anatomo[dot]pathologie[at]azjanportaels[dot]be)

Results are not communicated to the patients themselves. Patients are referred to the attending physician.

When is a result available?


  • For small biopsies taken before 12:30 PM, the result can be delivered via Mona the next working day, starting at 11 AM, depending on the urgency and the diagnostic complexity.
  • If "URGENT" is ticked on the application form, the pathologist will communicate the result to the requesting physician by telephone as soon as the result is available.
  • In case of diagnostic difficulty, technical problems, temporary shortage of test capacity or if additional material needs to be embedded, the standard turnaround time may be extended by 1 or a few days.
  • In case of an external consultation, the response time depends on the expert consulted (2-3 weeks on average).
  • For (immuno)histochemical tests, 2 extra working days are needed, since this test is outsourced to the Pathological Dissections lab of OLV Aalst. If technical problems occur, the turnaround time may be longer.

Non-gynaecological cytology:

  • The result is available the first working day after arrival at the lab, depending on the diagnostic complexity.
  • If urgent tests are required, a preliminary result is available the same day after consultation with a pathologist.


Cervicovaginal cytology:

  • Efforts will be made to deliver the results within 14 days of the sample's arrival at the lab.
  • HPV typing is performed by the Jan Yperman hospital's lab in case of indications eligible for reimbursement. The result is known within 1 month.