Update on the corona measures:

AZ Jan Portaels always closely follows the recommendations of the Surge Capacity Plan of the FPS Public Health.

The situation is assessed on a day-to-day basis, depending on the COVID patients present, the beds that need to be kept free and the available staff, so that rapid action can be taken if necessary.

  • Consultations can still go ahead. AZ Jan Portaels will contact you when you have an appointment that qualifies for a postponement. If you don't hear from us then your appointment will go ahead on the scheduled day.

  • Fabric face masks are not allowed.

  • In our hospital, we use the safe care plan: we take all measures to ensure your appointment can continue safely (www.veiligezorg.be)



Simple precautions

  • Always wear your surgical face mask, making sure both your mouth and nose are covered
  • Use only the entrance at the Gendarmeriestraat
  • Disinfect your hands regularly; hand alcohol is available at several locations
  • Keep at least 1.5 meters away from other people
  • Respect the signs that are posted in the hospital (e.g., waiting room capacity, elevators, etc,…)
  • Always follow the instructions of our staff

Avoid stress for your appointments

Allow extra time prior to your appointment; being there about ten minutes ahead of time is ideal. This way, we limit the time in the waiting room and can guarantee a smooth flow. Please come alone, if possible without anyone extra, when you come in for a consultation.